The Banks Foundation Now Accepting Grant Applications for 2012-2013
We are now accepting grant applications to provide down payment assistance to families who have qualified to purchase their first home. The foundation has raised over $28,000 to offer grant applicants in the 2012-2013 grant cycle.
The Foundation provides downpayment assistance to families who have received public housing or Section 8 assistance in the past, have entered into and completed a Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) contract or similar agreement, have income that is less than 80% of the area median income, and have qualified for a home loan. Grants average around $2000.
“I would like to commend The Banks Foundation for giving families like mine the opportunity to be able to purchase a new home,” said Ms. Lonetta Love, a 2011 recipient of the Banks Foundation’s down payment assistance program. “The Banks Foundation was a huge blessing at a time of need, and I sleep much better at night now knowing that my children are safe thanks to this great organization.”
If you or someone you know has demonstrated their desire and ability to move up and out, click here for application information and grant guidelines.